2-output processor

At the core of any xVision system lies the sys- tem processor, wich is responsible for encoding digital DVI video into our proprietary serial data protocol. The processor takes care of panel remote control and monitoring, and with its four outputs allows for active or passive redun- dancy connections, as well as allowing mul- tiple LED surface to be controlled with the same processor. Frame-accurate syncronisation across processors when large, complex video walls can be achieved with multiple processors without any noticeable delay or lag.

Good hardware is worthless without easy to understand, powerful software. The learning curve of xVision Control for anyone who?s ever worked with LED screens is virtually non-existent. And with an added number of features, such as real-time monitoring, current limiting and op- tional automatic brightness controller, it fits any application.

Product details

Video Processing
  • Input Resolution: Up to 1920 x 1080
  • Input Frequency: 60 Hz
  • Color depth: Up to 16 bits
  • Max output resolution: 500,00 px per output
  • System latency: < 5 ms
  • Scaling: No, pixel-to-pixel only

LED Tiles Control
  • Mapping: Stored in processor
  • Monitoring: Tile health, voltage, temperature
  • Calibration: Per pixel, stored in tile or module
  • Redundancy: Closed-looped using single processor, hot take-over using two processors 
  • Output protocol: Proprietary serial video & data over UTP

  • Video input: DVI-D
  • Output to tiles: 2 x XVT9
  • Computer interface: USB-B

  • Voltage input: 90-250 VAC, 50-60 Hz
  • Power consumption: 150 watts inrush, 60 watts typical
  • 19" x 9-7/8" x 3" [25 cm x 7.3 cm x 4.3 cm]
  • Standard size: 2U
  • Weight: 10 lbs [4.54 kg]
