Electromagnetic waves in energy-saving light bulbs
You thought you meant well by buying (expensive) energy saving light bulbs. Wrong! These miniature lighting factories contain mercury and emit powerful electromagnetic fields.
They cost four times more than the ordinary light bulbs but we are told that we must only buy energy saving light bulbs because they protect the planet and last longer. Stamped "green" a bit too quickly, these light bulbs are however real time bombs because they contain a non-negligible amount of mercury in its gas state and because they emit magnetic fields and radio frequencies.
They work exactly like fluorescent tubes: an electric discharge causes a collision of electrons against vaporized mercury ions, thus generating an ultraviolet radiance by activating the mercury atoms. The technical innovation in energy-saving bulbs is based on the adjunction of an integrated electronic circuit composed of a starter and ballast: Truly a miniature factory! The electronic ballast emits low frequency magnetic fields between 50 and 500 hertz as well as high frequencies between 20 and 60 kilohertz aimed at correcting the inherent flaw in this technology, which is to diffuse a fluttering light.
Warned by people wearing pacemakers who suffered from electromagnetic interferences when near these light bulbs, Pierre Le Ruz, scientific director at the Centre de Recherche de d'Informations Indépendantes sur les Rayonnements Électromagnétiques (CRIIRREM), verified the theory: "We measured, amongst other things, harmonic radio frequencies up to 200 volts per meter, when the current limit is 27 volts per meter". The electro-pollution thus created leads to decreased melatonin, a sleep-inducing hormone, mood regulator and inhibitor of spreading cancerous cells. The scientific magazine The Lancet published in 1978 a study linking decreases in melatonin and breast cancer. Other studies showed that it is the same for benign prostate hypertrophy, prostate, ovarian, cervix, thyroid and colorectal cancer. Other short-term consequences are: trouble sleeping, excitability, irritability and hyperactivity. Therefore, avoid energy saving light bulbs, especially when placed beside the head.
A big mouthful of mercury
Each low voltage lamp contains 0,05 mg of mercury. When breaking them, we get expose to breathing in toxic vapours. While we should encourage consumers to be very careful when handling those lamps, salesmen are careful to keep this information to themselves. Like all dangerous products, recycling them is mandatory.